
Learn about the available colors built into the design system and how to enable light/dark modes

All of the colors come from a theme.colors object. By default these colors can be referenced by the color, borderColor, and backgroundColor, fill, stroke, style props. For example, passing blue.100 to a bg prop would result in the color: #e3e5ff. Each color typically contains a range from 50-900. You can also pass blue with no range.

const colors = { transparent: 'transparent', current: 'currentColor', black: '#000000', white: '#ffffff', blue: Object.assign('#3700ff', { 100: '#F2F2FF', 200: '#E3E5FF', 300: '#C5CCFF', 400: '#AAB3FF', 900: '#5548ff', hover: '#3100DC', }), ink: Object.assign('#0f1117', { 50: '#f4f4f5', 100: '#F9F9FC', 150: '#F4F4F5', 200: '#E7E7E8', 250: '#C8C8CC', 300: '#C8C8CC', 400: '#A7A7AD', 600: '#677282', 900: '#222933', }), darken: { 50: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.05)', 100: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.1)', 150: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.15)', }, red: '#de0014', green: '#00a73e', orange: '#f7aa00', cyan: '#00d4ff', feedback: {}, }; = { error:, success:, warning:, info: colors.cyan, };const colors = { transparent: 'transparent', current: 'currentColor', black: '#000000', white: '#ffffff', blue: Object.assign('#3700ff', { 100: '#F2F2FF', 200: '#E3E5FF', 300: '#C5CCFF', 400: '#AAB3FF', 900: '#5548ff', hover: '#3100DC', }), ink: Object.assign('#0f1117', { 50: '#f4f4f5', 100: '#F9F9FC', 150: '#F4F4F5', 200: '#E7E7E8', 250: '#C8C8CC', 300: '#C8C8CC', 400: '#A7A7AD', 600: '#677282', 900: '#222933', }), darken: { 50: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.05)', 100: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.1)', 150: 'rgba(15, 17, 23, 0.15)', }, red: '#de0014', green: '#00a73e', orange: '#f7aa00', cyan: '#00d4ff', feedback: {},}; = { error:, success:, warning:, info: colors.cyan,};
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